How many grams is one cup of Rice?

Weight unit converter

E.g. How many grams is 1 cup of Rice?

Weight unit converter

E.g. How many cups is 100 grams of Rice?

Rice conversion table

Unit Amount in grams Amount in ounces Amount in pound
1 US Tablespoon of Rice is equal to 13 grams (gr) 0.4 oz -
1 US Teaspoon of Rice is equal to 4 grams (gr) 0.1 oz -
1 US Cup of Rice is equal to 201 grams (gr) 7.1 oz 0.4 lb
1 UK Imperial Cup of Rice is equal to 242 grams (gr) 8.5 oz 0.5 lb
1 Metric Cup of Rice is equal to 213 grams (gr) 7.5 oz 0.5 lb